Page:Poems Mitford.djvu/74

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But doubly dear these timid flow'rs,
Sweet harbingers of happy hours!
Like drooping worth by Fortune scorn'd,
Late in the wintry blast they mourn'd,
Soon shall they bloom beneath thine eye!
Soon on thy snowy bosom die!

But ere ye die, lov'd flow'rets! say,
"Haste! lovely Mary, haste away!
"At kindred friendship's call, arise!
"Seek southern bow'rs, and milder skies!
"Go, heighten spring's enraptur'd pleasures!
"Go, shed around thy heart's rich treasures!
"Fond tears as bright as morning dews,
"Sweet sunny smiles, around diffuse!
"Go! dearer than the rose of May,
"To southern bow'rs, fair maid, away!