Page:Poems Mitford.djvu/81

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Now gay, now sad, our various theme
Was changeful, as life's morning dream;
Now, gravely conn'd th' historic page,
Which charms us still from age to age,
Now, glancing o'er the tuneful throng,
Explor'd the glitt'ring mines of song;
And, varying still in fitful change,
From books to real life, we range;
With noble deeds our fancy warm,
Or dwell on Nature's milder charm;
Now tell some childish frolic gay,
Now pause to view thy beauties, May!

Say, when you tread the fertile vales,
Or climb the tow'ring hills of Wales,
Say, dearest Catherine! will you deign
To think of Berkshire's modest plain?
Yes; well I know, whate'er your lot,
You'll think of Whitley's lovely cot;