Page:Poems Osgood.djvu/213

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lucy's gem.

"And fair they shone from morn till night,
Those treasures, 'neath the lifted lid;
But when the gems of Heaven came out,
The gems of earth were hid;

"For oh! so delicately wrought,
So dainty, and so pure were they,
The lamp-light and the evening air
Would dim their azure ray.

"In each white case a magic well,
A little, fairy, charmèd thing,
At times, to bathe the jewels, pour'd
Its never-failing spring.

"But more amazing gifts than these,
Each tiny talisman possess'd;
Now was she not a favor'd child,
To be so richly bless'd?

No sooner did she raise the lid,
Than suddenly, in each gem of light,
A perfect little picture came,
In colors pure and bright!"