Page:Poems Prescott.djvu/45

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We walked, and spoke as lovers will,
In voices hushed and tender,
Of hopes the future should fulfill,
Of blessings Heaven would render!

I walk the lonesome beach today:
The tide is still returning;
The fishing boats at anchor stay;
The sunset fires are burning.

But tides may ebb and tides may flow,
And breakers flash and thunder;
Unheeding of them all I know
He sleeps their tumult under.

He sleeps—nor sin nor aching age
Shall chill his youth's endeavor:
The years of God his heritage
Forever and forever.

Dim fields, where bloom was lately,
And a silence in the air.
Save where some bird sedately
Whistles a note here or there:
As, if, like me, recalling
A vision of vanished springs,
While the dead leaves floating and falling
Seem their broken and bruisèd wings.

So lately the fields were growing
Into their golden green;
So lately the farmer was sowing