Page:Poems Prescott.djvu/56

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Summer is in the air, odors are everywhere;
Idle birds are singing loud and clear;
Brooks are bubbling over; heads of crimson clover
On the edges of the field appear.

All the meadow blazes with buttercups and daisies,
And the very hedges are tangles of perfume;
Butterflies go brushing, all their plumage crushing.
In among this wilderness of bloom.

The thorn-flower bursts its sheath, the bramble hangs a wreath,
And blue-eyed grasses beckon to the sun;
While gypsy pimpernel waits eager to fortell
When rainy clouds are gathering one by one.

The very world is blushing, is carolling and gushing
Its heart out in a melody of song;
While simple weeds seem saying, in grateful transport praying,
"Unto Him our praises all belong!"