Page:Poems Rice.djvu/152

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WE kneeled within our chapel there,
Our chapel, just across the way;
A stillness seemed to charm the air,
While our ambassador of prayer
Kneeled for the sick to pray;
Then borne upon the spirit's wings,
Sweet inspiration drew.

Imagination pictured so
Distinct a sketch, that some did weep;
For whom they prayed they did not know,
Yet tears of sympathy would flow
From fountains pure and deep.
Alas! some household was in grief,
And some lone chamber dark with pain;
We plead of Him to grant relief,
The sufferer to restore again.

How beautiful the Saviour's love
Has linked in one communion here
Each child of His, where'er they rove;
United by that cross above,
We all to Him are dear;