Page:Poems Ripley.djvu/27

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I pause in wonder as I look at you.—
Thou'rt one of nature's many beauteous things
Flashing across our path for us to view,
Then fluttering out of sight on velvet wings.

You ask me why I love you! Can you tell
Why violets purple the cool woods in May?
Or why spring beauties carpet every dell?
Or why bright stars flash out on heaven's highway?

Ah can you tell me why the rainbow gleams
A tinted arch against a tear-wet sky?
Or can you tell the secret of the streams
That murmur like a tender lullaby?

Ah, can you tell me why the wood-thrush sings?
Or why a golden light rests on the sea?
Or why 'mong moss and fern are living springs?
Or why sweet odors lure the honey-bee?

Canst tell why lilies are as pure as snow?
Or why the rose in beauty is complete?
If you can tell me why these things are so,—
Then I can tell thee why I love thee, sweet.