Page:Poems Rossetti.djvu/289

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I cannot rise above,
I cannot rest beneath,
I cannot find out love,
Or escape from death;
Dear hopes and joys gone by
Still mock me with a name;
My best beloved die,
And I cannot die with them.—
Say the Saints: No deaths decrease us,
  Where our rest is glorious.
They say: We live in Jesus,
  Who once died for us.

O my soul, she beats her wings
And pants to fly away
Up to immortal things
In the heavenly day:
Yet she flags and almost faints;
Can such be meant for me?—
Come and see, say the Saints
Saith Jesus: Come and see.
Say the Saints: His pleasures please us
  Before God and the Lamb.
Come and taste My sweets, saith Jesus:
  Be with Me where I am.