Page:Poems Rossetti.djvu/444

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Their term of life and die when God should will;
Lie down and sleep, and having slept arise.
Boast not against us, O our enemy!
To-day we fall, but we shall rise again;
We grope to-day, to-morrow we shall see:
  What is to-day that we should fear to-day?
  A morrow cometh which shall sweep away
Thee and thy realm of change and death and pain.


Let woman fear to teach and bear to learn,
Remembering the first woman's first mistake.
Eve had for pupil the inquiring snake,
Whose doubts she answered on a great concern;
But he the tables so contrived to turn,
It next was his to give and her's to take;
Till man deemed poison sweet for her sweet sake9
And fired a train by which the world must burn.
Did Adam love his Eve from first to last?
I think so; as we love who works us ill,
And wounds us to the quick, yet loves us still
Love pardons the unpardonable past:
Love in a dominant embrace holds fast
His frailer self, and saves without her will.