Page:Poems Rossetti.djvu/459

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"How comes He with a voice
Which is but baby-noise?—
That Voice which spake with might—
Let there be light—and light
Sprang out before our sight.

"What need hath He of flesh
Made flawless now afresh?
What need of human heart?—
Heart that must bleed and smart
Choosing the better part.

"But see: His gracious smile
Dismisses us a while
To serve Him in His kin.
Haste we, make haste, begin
To fetch His brethren in."

Like stars they flash and shoot,
The Shepherds they salute:
"Glory to God" they sing:
"Good news of peace we bring,
For Christ is born a King."


Lo! newborn Jesus
Soft and weak and small,
Wrapped in baby's bands