Page:Poems Rossetti.djvu/465

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  But also me
  Thy little one.

Thy unblemished Body on the Tree
Was bared and broken to atone
  For me, for me
  Thy little one.

Thou lovedst me upon the Tree,—
Still me, hid by the ponderous stone,—
  Me always,—me
  Thy little one.

And love of me arose with Thee
When death and hell lay overthrown:
  Thou lovedst me
  Thy little one.

And love of me went up with Thee
To sit upon Thy Father's Throne:
  Thou lovest me
  Thy little one.

Lord, as Thou me, so would I Thee
Love in pure love's communion,
  For Thou lov'st me
  Thy little one:

Which love of me bring back with Thee
To Judgment when the Trump is blown,
  Still loving me
  Thy little one.