Page:Poems Rossetti.djvu/47

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TILL all sweet gums and juices flow
Till the blossom of blossoms blow;
The long hours go and come and go,
The bride she sleepeth, waketh, sleepeth,
Waiting for one whose coming is slow:—
  Hark! the bride weepeth.

"How long shall I wait, come heat come rime?—
"Till the strong Prince comes, who must come in time"
(Her women say), "there's a mountain to climb,
A river to ford, sleep, dream and sleep;
Sleep;" (they say): "we've muffled the chime,
  Better dream than weep."

In his world-end palace the strong Prince sat,
Taking his ease on cushion and mat,
Close at hand lay his staff and his hat.
"When wilt thou start? the bride waits, O youth."
"Now the moon's at full; I tarried for that,
  Now I start in truth.

"But tell me first, true voice of my doom,
Of my veiled bride in her maiden bloom;
Keeps she watch through glare and through gloom,