Page:Poems Rossetti.djvu/49

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Going forth in the joy of his strength;
Strong of limb if of purpose weak,
  Starting at length.

Forth he set in the breezy morn,
Across green fields of nodding corn,
As goodly a Prince as ever was born,
Carolling with the carolling lark;—
Sure his bride will be won and worn,
  Ere fall of the dark.

So light his step, so merry his smile,
A milkmaid loitered beside a stile,
Set down her pail and rested awhile,
A wave-haired milkmaid, rosy and white;
The Prince, who had journeyed at least a mile,
  Grew athirst at the sight.

"Will you give me a morning draught?"—
"You're kindly welcome," she said, and laughed
He lifted the pail, new milk he quaffed;
Then wiping his curly black beard like silk:
"Whitest cow that ever was calved
  Surely gave you this milk."

Was it milk now, or was it cream?
Was she a maid, or an evil dream?
Her eyes began to glitter and gleam;
He would have gone, but he stayed instead;
Green they gleamed as he looked in them:
  "Give me my fee," she said—