Page:Poems Rossetti.djvu/62

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Huge before him a mountain frowned
With foot of rock on the valley ground.
And head with snows incessant crowned,
And a cloud mantle about its strength,
And a path which the wild goat hath not found
  In its breadth and length.

But he was strong to do and dare:
If a host had withstood him there,
He had braved a host with little care
In his lusty youth and his pride,
Tough to grapple though weak to snare.
  He comes, O Bride.

Up he went where the goat scarce clings,
Up where the eagle folds her wings,
Past the green line of living things,
Where the sun cannot warm the cold,—
Up he went as a flame enrings
  Where there seems no hold.

Up a fissure barren and black,
Till the eagles tired upon his track.
And the clouds were left behind his back,
Up till the utmost peak was past,
Then he gasped for breath and his strength fell slack
  He paused at last.

Before his face a valley spread
Where fatness laughed, wine, oil, and bread,
Where all fruit-trees their sweetness shed.