Page:Poems Ryan.djvu/14

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Though rejected and scorned, in my bosom 'twill lie,
A heart's devotion, life's priceless gem,
When thy smiles and affections another has won,
And hope's rainbow is seen through your tears.
E'en then in thy mem'ry keep a green spot for one
Who so truly has loved you for years.

How fleeting are all the sweet pleasures below,
Like gay flaunting phantoms before us they go;
Or like dreams of enchantment with victory won,
Vanishing with sleep, and forever are gone.

Thus daily earth's pleasures like mists pass away,
The hopes we hold dearest the soonest decay;
And joys that are brightest the quickest depart,
Leaving fond mem'ries to cling round the heart.

The glory of kings, the beauty of flowers,
Survive but a season, a few summer hours,