Page:Poems Ryan.djvu/36

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I sought in vain to find one joy
That was unalloyed with woe,
One flawless gem, one perfect thing of clay,
One spot of peace below.

I searched in vain, I could not find
One single perfect thing;
When lo! came whispers from the spirit land,
A flaw is but death's sting.

All blemished things must pass away,
Earth's fairest flowers must die,
But perfect gems some day you'll surely find
With immortality.

Sitting alone in the gloaming,
With soul grown weary with weeping;

And drifting so far, far away
From the scenes of this lonely day;

Like perfume wafted from flowers,
Clings to some fair Elfin bowers,

So fancy reverts to the past,
To the years that vanished so fast.

And life like a desert appears,
All covered with sorrows and cares;