Page:Poems Ryan.djvu/54

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My Love then gave me a sweet rose,
With all its charms for youth,
And said when beauty it would lose,
'Twould leave its fragrant breath.

The rose, the lily, and my Love,
Alike from dust were made,
God gave them beauty from above
That soon on earth would fade.

The rose, the lily, both are dead,
Their fragrant lives are o'er;
And my sweet friend from me has fled,
On earth she treads no more.

E'er like the lily she had lived,
In beauty pure and kind;
But like the fragrant rose she died,
Sweet mem'ries left behind.

How sweet it is, at eveningtide,
To feel that God our steps will guide,
And lead us gently through the day,
If we only trust His way.
And sweet it is, when night comes on,
And this vain world to sleep has gone,
To know that then, on Jesus' breast
Sheltered from sin, we sink to rest.