Page:Poems Ryan.djvu/58

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While some were struggling for mere existence,
Others reposed on splendor's downy couch;
'Neath calumny some shriek in agony,
As others stray in pleasure's wanton ways;
Then some are princes, others vassals, slaves.
When posed o'er these strange facts, a zephyr sighed:
"'Tis God's will."
Weariness came o'er me then.
And pensively lost in meditation,
I soon was gently clasped in Morpheus' arms;
When lo! the gloaming of a winter's eve
Was quickly changed to a bright summer day;
The dreary place of my sad waking hours,
Vanished before a lovely fairy scene;
Gay wildwood birds flitting from bough to bough,
Singing to their Creator songs of praise.
The sky, the earth, all things proclaimed His love,
While o'er my soul blew sweet Lethean winds,
Which silently did lull my weary brain,
And brought deep peace.
A light flashed from on high,
And then appeared an angel clad in white,
Standing upon a snowy, fleecy cloud;
One hand did clasp a tiny book of gold,
The other was outstretched as if to bless