Page:Poems Ryan.djvu/65

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The Beautiful Gates of Light.
Wand'ring afar, my lost love regretting;
For when in raptures two souls meet and love,
They still will love on, heart-aches forgetting,
They will love till life closes, and then love above.
So ever, fair one, I am thinking of thee,
Thine image can't be erased from my heart,
Thy face and thy form, I fancy I see.
Oh! woe was the day that doomed us to part.

I would be happy, so happy,
If I knew on the Saviour's breast,
Safe from the arrows of Satan
That my soul securely did rest;
I would rejoice in the tempests,
If there flashed o'er my feeble sight,
Bright gleams, through the shadows of death,
From the beautiful gates of light.

No more would my soul be weary,
No more would I languish and pine,
If at the end of life's journey,
I knew heaven's joys would be mine.