Page:Poems Sackville.djvu/95

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The Man who found Truth

And like the sea's monotonous slow tune,
Heard amongst dreams some burning afternoon,
Even as a broken wave the old life spent
Its strength and all its dull bewilderment
On the long wreckage of some hidden shore,
Whilst to his soul a voice spoke evermore:
'The Heavens are yours, the stars and all the earth,
For you and they were of the selfsame birth
And all the suns and seas are one with you.
The little starving crowns that men pursue
Are wrought outside the boundaries of life—
What need, what need, what need is there for strife?
Man's spirit sprang from the same harmony,
The same perfection as the sky and sea—
What need, what need, what need is there for strife,