Page:Poems Scudder.djvu/40

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Oh, my first lover with the sea-blue eyes,
Would I not give the rest
Of youth and all the shrivelled years
Of eld to see—
Only to see once more
The sunlight on that golden head of thine?

Ursule a dainty missal hath;
Its pages smooth and bland
Are white as lily-petals
Or as our Lady's hand.

But Ursule while she scans it peers
Aside and tries to see
If Colin's kneeling near the aisle
Where he was wont to be.

The letters scarlet, golden, blue
Most quaintly shapen are,
And in the margin of each leaf
Are painted clear and fair

Saint Michael in his gilded mail,
Saint John in tunic green,
Saint Helen robed in miniver,
And rose-crowned Magdalene.

But Ursule while she studies them
Knows that her Colin wears
A fine new cloak of velvet blue
As fruit the plum-tree bears.

Around the little pictures runs
A charming fantasy

[ 24 ]