Page:Poems Scudder.djvu/42

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Then, against the darkling sky
Hangs the old moon large and frail
As the dandelion spheres
Flutter in a summer gale.

Comes a lusty, romping wind
Merry as a boy at play,
Blows—and lo, on every side
Faint star-clusters float away.

The grace of her—
Lily wind swayed.
The touch of her—
Rose in the dusk.
The thought of her—
Sun after rain.
The heart of her—
The unchanging star.

How by your chill transparency
And timid color hints do ye
Mock the earth-mother—for your name
Was taken from the fostering sea
Nor find I likeness to the flame
That shaped you once. Unvarying round
And tremulous cerulean ray
Like milky bubbles of the spray
That mid the crisp beach-weed are found.
—Know ye the pools among the rocks
Where gold-moss hangs like sirens' locks?

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