Page:Poems Sherwin.djvu/34

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How sweet the house of God to tread,
To hear the blessed gospel read;
The solemn organ's sacred sound,
The tolling bell long echoing round.
And what true joy all christians share
Who bend the knee in earnest prayer,
When with the heart to God unveiled,
No hidden secret sin concealed,—
Soothed by sweet thoughts of sins forgiven,
Of peace on earth and future heaven.

"Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love." Romans 12 chap. 10 ver.
Be ever loving; ever good and kind,
Let no vindictive feeling cross your mind;
"Love one another," so the Apostle taught,
Who was with every kindly feeling fraught.
Let no harsh word or look increase a wound,
But breathe soft words of hope and comfort round.
They who from honour's path mistaken rove,
May be won back by kindness and by love.
Forgive! 'Tis what our Saviour did before,
His mild rebuke was—"Go, and sin no more."