Page:Poems Sherwin.djvu/72

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"Before we spread a Report we should ascertain its Truth, and reflect well upon the consequences of which it might be productive, lest we should be guilty of the heinous Sin of bearing false witness against our Neighbour."


Beside a country village green,
A pretty whitewashed cot was seen;
It stood within a little ground,
With close trimmed privet hedge around,
Laid out with taste and and nicely kept,—
The walks each day were cleaned and swept
The walls within were purely white,
The furniture all polished bright,
And the brick floor, half red, half blue,
Would not have soiled a satin shoe.
Throughout there was a peaceful air,
Which told nor wealth nor want were there.
Here Collin Ramsey long had dwelt,
Nor sickness he nor woe had felt.
Young, scarcely past his twentieth year,
With ruddy cheeks, complexion clear;
A countenance frank, honest, free,
Of goodly mein and make was he;
And with his mother dwelt alone,
Her one fond hope—her only son.
Long time her husband had been dead,
And Collin's labour brought them bread.