Page:Poems Shipton.djvu/102

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Light fell on her tears, on her cheek so wan,
And now on her garments white,
As she watched the stars as they rose and set
In the shade of the deepening night.

A darker gloom had shadowed her brow
Than ever was there before,
When a cry arose, "The Master is come!
He stands at the bolted door."

Oh, gentle the voice of that midnight Guest,
And tender the Friend that came
To open her lattice and tune her harp,
And call His child by her name.

"Yea, some arc afar on the waters wide,
And some on the mountain's height;
But couldst thou not watch one hour with Me
In the shade of the silent night?

"I came with the cloud that covered thy earth,
And thy lips have ceased to sing;
I sent the mist on thy brain, and quelled
Thy fair imagining.

"O child of my love! thy chain I wrought,
And soon shalt thou lay it by;
In my Father's house thou shalt bless the day
Of thy brief captivity.