Page:Poems Shipton.djvu/112

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Enriching still by each mysterious trial,
Till bloom and fruit shall own the chast'ning rod;
While the tears gathered in the gold vial
Are counted precious, treasured up with God.


"In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good."—Eccles. xi. 6.

Sow ye beside all waters,
Where the dew of heaven may fall;
Ye shall reap, if ye be not weary;
For the Spirit breathes o'er all.
Sow, though the thorns may wound thee;
One wore the thorns for thee;
And, though the cold world scorn thee,
Patient and hopeful be.
Sow ye beside all waters,
With a blessing and a prayer;
Name Him whose hand upholds thee,
And sow thou everywhere.

Sow when the sunlight sheddeth
Its warm and cheering ray;