Page:Poems Shipton.djvu/141

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"Set a watch, Lord, before my mouth: keep the door of my lips."—Psalm cxh. 3.
"Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment."—Matt. xii. 36.
"The words of the pure are pleasant words."—Prov. xv. 26.

Oh, never say a careless word
Hath not the power to pain;
The shaft may ope some hidden wound
That closes not again.
Weigh well those light-winged messengers;
God marked thy heedless word,
And with it, too, the falling tear,
The heart-pang which it stirred.

Words! what are words? An idle breath
That floateth lightly by,
Smiles on the lip from whence it came
In tones of melody.
Yet words have strength to wound or bless,
Though lightly they be flung;
Still writ upon some human heart,
Told by an angel's tongue.

Words! what are words? A simple sound
Hath spells to call the tears
That long have lain a sealed fount,
Through many mournful years.