Page:Poems Shipton.djvu/152

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"The disciple is not above his Master."—Luke vi. 40.
"That no man should be moved by these afflictions: for yourselves know that we are appointed thereunto."—1 Thess. iii. 3.

The wilderness way I wandered
Had many a valley and hill;
When I heard a song in the silence:
Its melody lingereth still.
It breathed o'er my sinking spirit—
"Meliora! Child, look up!
Follow thy Master's footsteps;
Drink of thy Master's cup."

Sadly I smiled as I answered—
"How can I follow Him now?
The light is gone from the mountain,
And wildly the night winds blow.
I wield no sword for our Leader;
No banner my weak hands hold:
I but clasp it close to my bosom,
And hide in its crimson fold."

"Droop not to-day. Meliora!
Drink of the chalice He fills:
Grace is laid up for the weakest,
Strength for the service He wills.