Page:Poems Shipton.djvu/165

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I said, "On this earth's wide bosom
   I walk alone;
God hideth His face, I'm forsaken;
   All hope is gone.
I watch for His hand in the shadows
   That shroud my feet;
I listen, and nothing I hear, save
   My heart's wild beat.

"Cold, drear, is my soul, and loveless,
   Hopeless and dead;
For God has departed for ever,"
   Sadly I said.
"I shall never more bask in His presence,
   Never proclaim,
With a song and the voice of thanksgiving.
   Jesus' sweet Name.

"Yet how can I marvel He leaves me,
   Faithless and vain,
To walk in the light of His favor
   Never again!
My heart hath forsaken His mercies,
   And mercy is past,
And my Lord, whom my sins have long wearied,
   Leaves me at last."

Then, swift as the flash of the lightning
   Passing the sky,