Page:Poems Shipton.djvu/185

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Though in a desert land I be,
My Shepherd can provide for me.

1 Thess. v. 24.

God lives! Behold Him everywhere.
God hears! Then call for aid.
God sees, and numbers every tear!
God leads! Be not afraid.
God lives and loves; and grace He'll give,
That thou eternally with Him mayst live!

From the German.


"They two went on."—2 Kings ii. 6.

So far with me, no farther now,
Our journey all so brief is done;
Thou goest on thine unseen way,
And I must tread my path alone.

"They two went on," and we have been
Through Bethel's plain and Jordan's flood;
Then one went back to serve and wait,
And one soared up to dwell with God.

We two went on. Ah! not alone;
And though no car of light I see,
There walks with me the Holy One,—
And Christ the Living God with thee.