Page:Poems Shipton.djvu/188

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Then a song rose in the darkness.
And softly on my sight
A track of golden glory
Touched every wave with light.
'Twas a Father's sweet compassion,
Lest my weary soul should sink,
And my foes rejoice above me
As I stood on Jordan's brink.

"Nay, child, these roaring waters
Will not be passed alone,
A path is made already,
Where the living God hath gone;
And He who went before thee
Is watching o'er thee now;
His hand upholds thee, fainting,
With the death -dew on thy brow.

"Yea, 'stand still,' and remember
The way thy steps were led;
His arms (the Everlasting)
Are ceaselessly outspread;
Not one good thing was lacking,
And they who watch shall see,
That as I was with Moses,
So will I be with thee.

"Fear not th' accuser's malice;
His rage shall be in vain;