Page:Poems Shipton.djvu/195

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He will bring me by some new way,
Through fire and flood, and each crafty foe,
As safely as yesterday.

And if to the warfare He calls me forth,
He buckles my armor on;
He greets me with smiles and a word of cheer,
For battles His sword hath won:
He wipes my brow as I droop and faint,
He blesses my hand to toil;
Faithful is He as He washes my feet
From the trace of each earthly soil.

He guided by paths that I could not see,
By ways that I have not known;
The crooked was straight, and the rough made plain,
As I followed the Lord alone.
I praise Him still for the pleasant palms,
And the water-springs by the way;
For the glowing pillar of flame by night,
And the sheltering cloud by day.

Ne'er in the glare of the enemy's land
He suffers His own to sleep;
The combat, the tempest, the raging wave,
Tell his wondrous works in the deep.
The treasures of darkness, in secret hid,
Can the child of the Kingdom proclaim:
Oh! tell forth the praise of Jehovah to-day,
Give glory anew to His name.