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By William M. Thayer.

The Poor Boy and the Merchant Prince; or, The Life of Amos Lawrence. 16mo $1.00

The Good Girl and the True Woman; or, The Life of Mary Lyon. 1.00

Nelson; or, How a Country Boy Made his Way in the City. Being Incidents in the Life of a Successful Merchant of Boston. 16mo 1.25

Mr. Thayer has written many books for juvenile renders, and all his works are stimulating and helpful to young people who desire to succeed in life.

Christmas Plum-Pudding Stories. A charming collection of stories by popular writers. Illustrated. Quarto 1.50

Off to the Wilds. By Geo. Manville Fenn. A Story of Hunting Adventures in South Africa. A favorite book with the boys. Sq. 8vo. Fully Illustrated 1.75

The Mutiny on Board the Leander. By Bernard Heldmann. A Story of Strange Adventures in the Southern Pacific. Sq. 8vo. 24 Illustrations 1.75

Martin the Skipper. By James F. Cobb, author of "The Watchers on the Longships," etc. A Tale for Boys and Seafaring Folk. l2mo 1.50

The Watchers on the Longships. By James F. Cobb. A Story of Thrilling Interest, founded on fact, illustrating Moral Heroism and Faithfulness to Duty. 12mo 1.50

'A Home in the Holy Land. By Mrs. Finn. An excellent and faithful Description of Home Life in the Holy Land at the Present Day. 12mo 1.50

Dora's Boy. By Mrs. Ellen Ross. A well-written and entertaining Story for Boys, illustrating the Practical Beauty of True Christianity. 12mo 1.25

The Farmer Boy; or, How he Became Commander-in-Chief. The Life of George Washington. By Uncle Juvenal. 16mo 1.00

A Year at Poplar Row. By March Ellinwood. A noble ideal of Christian Girlhood and Young Womanhood. 16mo 1.00

Almost too Late. By Mrs. H . B . Paul. 16mo 1.00

Knowing and Doing. By Mrs. H. B . Paul. 16mo 1.00

Two companion books illustrating the graces of overcoming evil with good, industry, patience in trials, etc.

Three Judges. By Israel P. Warren. 16mo 1.25

A capitally told true story of the three judges of the court which beheaded Charles I. in the times of the English Revolution, 1640- 1659. Introduction by Rev. Leonard Bacon, D.d.

Chauncey Judd. By Israel P. Warren. 16mo 1.25 A story of the American Revolution. Though a true story it is told in such a way as to have more than the interest of fiction. Patriotism and religion are inculcated.