Page:Poems Shipton.djvu/25

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At thine hands upraised
Half thy foes withdrew;
Forward! I have conquered,
Thou shalt conquer too.

"Child! in Me abiding,
Nought thy foot shall move;
Fear not! T will help thee,
Mine is changeless love.
Take My yoke upon thee,
Learn the way from Me;
I am meek and lowly,
Meek and lowly be.

"Take My yoke—I bore it,
Lean upon My breast;
I have fought thy battle,
Share with me my rest.
Soon the plains of glory
Sinless thou shalt tread;
My right hand upholds thee,
Rise—be undismayed.

"Trust Me—only trust Me!
Wherefore shouldst thou quail?
Can a weapon prosper,
Shall a foe prevail,