Page:Poems Shipton.djvu/40

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He paused beside my flower awhile,
My heart grew faint and cold;
I cried, "Lord, wait; that little one
Will fairer hues unfold."

He heeded not; He plucked my bud,
And, smiling on me, said,
"I planted it, and it shall bloom
In Paradise instead:
For it this clime is all too cold;
But there, 'mid Eden's bowers,
The lily-bud will grow to be
The fairest of my flowers.

"Weep not! I am not grieved with thee;
Though I thy treasures cull,
'Tis but to give them back again
More richly beautiful.
I lent them to thy loving heart,
And soon thy Lord shall say,
'Thy work is done, thy crown is won,
Rise up and come away.'

"Still tend for me one fleeting hour
This garden of thy care,
Days there will be when thou wilt miss
Thy bud and streamlet there: