Page:Poems Shipton.djvu/60

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My hope Thou art—upon the Cross,
My strength—upon the Throne,
Thy death my life, Thy pain my peace
Thrice blessed Three in One!

What though the fig-tree blossom not,
Nor vine its fruitage yield,
The promise of the olive fail,
The harvest from the field,
The fair flock perish from the fold,
And from the stalls the herd,
Shall I not trust in God my strength,
And rest upon His Word?

He is my portion! He hath taught
My murmuring lips to praise,
And He will guide my feeble feet
In His most holy ways.
Lord! search my heart with jealous love,
And reign Thou there alone;
For Thou art mine, and I am Thine,
Eternally Thine own.