Page:Poems Shipton.djvu/71

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Back through the green fields singing:
Sweet was the joyful sound,
That told the father's welcome,
And the little wanderer found.

"Then on the highway, near me,
I saw the Stranger stand,
Stranger no more! He guided
The fair child by the hand.
'I thank thee,' said He softly;
'Thou hast not watched in vain:
Behold my child returned
Safe to my arms again!'

"What grace is Thine, O Master,
For work so poor and scant!
How glorious is the guerdon
My loving Lord doth grant!
I only saw a nursling
Was wandering astray.
Oh, it is worth cross-bearing
To wait for Thee one day!

"Have ye known the shadows darken
Over weary nights of pain,
And hours that seem to lengthen
Till the night comes round again?