Page:Poems Shipton.djvu/86

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And I said, "I cannot trace Him
Who leads me through the valley;
But He hath never failed me,
And I will trust Him still.

"Fair are the plains of Canaan:
Welcome, thou smiling summer,
When the fruitful vine and olive
Their blooming burdens bear.
I asked Him for that good land,
The land of brooks of water;
I seek the land of promise,
And He will lead me there.

"But, Lord, Thou know'st Thy servant;
My heart hath sorely wandered:
The pure eyes of the Holiest
Have searched me within;
But my record is in heaven,
Where my God eternal reigneth,
And the blood, the blood of Jesus,
Hath cleansed me from all sin.

"Whose hand but Thine, my Father,
Could guide me through the desert?
I have praised Thee for the morning,
Let me praise Thee for the night.