Page:Poems Shipton.djvu/92

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"I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord; thoughts of peace, and not of evil."—Jeremiah xxix. 11.
"When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee."—Isaiah xliii. 2.

Down 'neath the wave the venturous diver sinks,
And while the eddying currents round him whirl,
Air from the crystal heavens he panting drinks,
And risks his being for a precious pearl.
Eager and breathless, as each rough-cast shell
Gives up its treasure, none on earth may know
What his pale cheek to loving hearts may tell,
What visions of the wild deep come and go!
Enough for him a costly pearl is won—
The king has smiled on him—the gloom is gone!

Long days have passed, and fled the last dark night;
And in a crown, in fairest lustre glow,
What once unlovely caskets hid from sight,
Pearls for a diadem—a goodly row:
Resplendent jewels of each brilliant hue,
And fashioned by the Master's hand, are there.
One knows where each bright gem in darkness grew-
The slimy serpent's trail, the scorpion's lair:
He knows the diver's way, and He alone.
He sees thy way. Be brave, my friend, press on!