Page:Poems Shore.djvu/74

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"It seemed as if a host of voices blended
Into a roar of waters round my head,
As, living, into Ocean I descended,
With frantic search to thread its crowds of dead.

"With conscious eye and ear at length I stood
Upon firm ground—above me green and clear
I saw the pale light of the glistening flood,
And its long funeral anthem still could hear.

"On either side behold, a vast arcade
As 'twere of rock-hewn giants edged my way,
Pillars, whose arches circled with their shade
Huge doors of adamant wave-worn and grey.

"In the strange ocean vault I stood amazed,
And listened to a far-off cry of woe:
Affrighted on those dreadful doors I gazed,
And what they covered feared, yet longed to know.

"'Open!' I cried, and forthwith as I spoke,
All down the cloistered aisle, without a sound,
As if that desperate cry some spell had broke,
The chain of each tall portal was unbound;

"And each flew open, offering to reveal
Its secret to the stranger; but aghast
I paused, half wishing darkness might conceal
The too stupendous mystery as I past.