Page:Poems Smith.djvu/113

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Go, false deceiver, go thy way:
We'll meet again at judgment-day.
You won my heart to throw it by,
And cause me ever more to sigh.

I believed thee ever good and true,
And gave my heart in trust to you.
I loved too well, and wrecked my life
Through thy false vows; and mortal strife
Is tearing my body and soul apart:
Gladly would I from earth depart.

Whenever you look upon my face,
Saddened forever, no joy you'll trace.
You know who caused this terrible sin.
And wrecked a life all pure within.
Alone to meet the withering blast,
My blighted life is failing fast.

Dost thou not think an avenging God
Will overtake thee, ere beneath the sod?
Then if God should vengeance take,
And make thy heart with fear to quake,
Dost thou not fear sinners such as thee
May never peace or happiness see?