Page:Poems Smith.djvu/129

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Oft I've mused in girlhood,
Beneath the old pear-tree,
Of blissful days in the future,
When somebody's love I'd be.

My memory often lingers
O'er the days when I were free,
Believing joy would last forever,
And somebody's love I'd be.

Life then was sweet and happy,—
Oft remembrance brings a sigh:
In youth I dwelt so fondly,—
On somebody's love I'd' rely.

That dear one's love I cherish'd,
Thought of under the tree,—
Fled years ago,—it perish'd,—
That somebody's love for me.

Alas! I am near forgetting
How quickly bright hours do flee.
I'm aged now, though trusting
Yet somebody's love I'll be.

But I will e'er remember,
There's bitter with the sweet:
With faith in the great Hereafter,—
There my Saviour's love to meet.