Page:Poems Smith.djvu/138

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Thy sparkling eye and soul-lit face
Shine on my heart with heavenly grace.
The beauty of thy face divine
Will live in my heart in future time.

I feel, sweet one, I could resign
All dear in life to be ever thine,—
In winter's cold or summer's heat
Could worship ever at thy feet.

The ecstasy my heart doth thrill,—
With all my soul I love thee still.
Gently thy tender love sublime
I earnestly pray may yet be mine.

Around thee all seems beauteous love,
Fitting mate for angels above.
Yet linger in this world below,
I pray thee, dear one, I love thee so.

Oh, turn those beauteous eyes on me;
Let me once more thy love-light see.
Little Cupid has touched the heart,—
I will love thee, dearest, till death us part.