Page:Poems Smith.djvu/42

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Lift the shadow, oh, my God!
I bow beneath thy chastening rod!
Remove from my poor aching brain
The troubl'd thought and racking pain!
I stop and shudder when I think
I'm verging on the fearful brink
       Of everlasting woe.

With sadden'd heart alone I go,
That those I love may never know
Their unkind words have hurt me so.
And when bevond their sidit and care
My every thought and fervent prayer
Will be that God those children spare
       From everlasting woe.

For He alone can judge the heart,
And may they gain that better part:
No unkind thought within them dwell
When I shall sav the sad farewell!
I'd rather brave the wintry blast
Than feel my soul would sink at last
       To everlasting woe.