Page:Poems Smith.djvu/57

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Light and Darkness, as I have heard say,
Lived together for many a day,
Li a lovely cot near the Great South Bay.

Light was the elder by many a year;
But Darkness to Light was yet very dear.

It happened to Light to meet and to love
One now gone to his home in Heaven above.

Ere Darkness met him he was Light's lover;
After their marriage Light's kind brother.

Light wished them joy with an aching heart;
For Darkness had gained her better part.

Time passed on, and blessings were given—
Innocent children, their souls in Heaven.

"Suffer little children to come unto me,"
God said, and called them—one, two, three.

Those dear little angels lent for a while,
To cheer their hearts, to please and beguile.