Page:Poems Smith.djvu/65

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But all of life's trials and heart-stricken woe
Souls fit for heaven, where I trust I may go.
I'm earnestly striving, and looking above
To God to sustain me with heavenly love.

But when I am resting beneath the cold sod,
Think of me kindly when gone to my God
To be finally judged, but conscience clear,
Unto my God I will go without fear.

I have laughed with the happy, and tried to be gay:
All without avail, for grief hangs o'er the way.
Deep heart-rending sorrow, like a funeral pall,
Till the darkness of death casts a mantle o'er all.


Dear Mattie, my darling, ere I'm called to depart,
Let me once more express the deep love of my heart.
Your love is so constant to me day by day,
O'er my sad life it sheds a beneficent ray.