Page:Poems Storrie.djvu/122

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The Fairies' Cave.
There flit and flutter fairy feet
That dance in measures strange and sweet.

A little chamber hollowed deep
Within a wind-wracked boulder—
This is the haunt the fairies keep
When summer nights grow colder,
And ferny dells, deep drenched with dew,
Would soak their silken slippers through.

But in this cave, whose carven walls
Wear tints of tender yellow,
The starlight, softly filtered, falls
In floods of radiance mellow,
And through embrasured windows pass
Soft airs from leagues of flowering grass.

The floor is swept, and up and down
With silver sand is sifted,
And sweet Titania's amber gown
Needs scarcely to be lifted,
Her footsteps leave no deeper trace
Than kisses on an infant's face.