Page:Poems Storrie.djvu/125

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The Fairies' Cave.
Where sweet epacris blushes red,
'Mid wild clematis tangles,
They dance, and dance, with airy tread
Among the starlight spangles;
The songs they sing are never sung,
They love, and are for ever young.

And here Euterpe comes, and pours
The pent flood of her singing
Till all the dreamy, drowsy shores
With melody are ringing,
And here in flower-decked elfin throngs
She finds an echo for her songs.

I sought—I—in my gown of silk
For a blossom that I might wear,
Dew-wet lilies as white as milk,
Should I twine them in my hair?
But the pallor that lay on their ivory tips
Was the hue that flashed to thy stern shut lips