Page:Poems Storrie.djvu/140

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A Reverie.
Oh! pretty little pink geraniums, listen!
I do not want this stern invader, Thought,
I want the dewy eyes that gleam and glisten,
The glimmering hair by lily fingers caught.

I want the happy little laughing faces,
The scarlet lips that smile, the feet that play,
The shreds of gold, the film of snowy laces,
The little dream-loves Thought has sent away.

I do not want to think, to weigh and ponder,
To know life's hard reality,
To muse upon the dreary facts that yonder
In the great world hold high supremacy.

I do not want to know—I'm tired of knowing,
I want to weave my fancy webs in peace,
What use to watch the shadows growing, growing?
To count the tears that fall and never cease?

I want my little dream-loves back beside me,
I want their hands to lie content in mine,
Their fragile wings are strong enough to hide me,
Their kisses are life's surest anodyne.