Page:Poems Storrie.djvu/190

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My Hidden Garden.
Lilies woven of sunlight,
And the silver woof of the rain,
A soul of immaculate purity
Incarnated again.

Lilies like snowflakes lying
Where never a foot hath trod,
Spotless fingers unravelling
The mysteries of God.

Dreams are the soul's white lilies
Fragrant and wet with dew,
They are the fairy visions
Earth dreamed when the world was new.

And here, where the silence feeds them,
Seen but by my heart and me,
The stainless lilies of my dreams
Blossom in purity.

And in my hidden garden grow brave flowers of romance,
Knights of imagination, with pennon, sword and lance,
They could not breathe the outer air, nor search for Holy Grails,
But here their arms are strong, and here their chivalry avails,